CMA-E in Berlin
Heute erster Tag des CMA-Europe-Treffens (Critical Mobile Messaging Association Europe)
Von: Vincent Delpont am 20.6.2018
On mid April 2018 the annual Critical Messaging Association (CMA) Summit took place in the warmhearted countryside of Sarlat, South West of France. The CMA summit showed people comming from all around the word willing to exchange about the business of alerting whatever the way you use to do so.
A place such as Sarlat with excellent food and wine appeared definitely as a perfect ground for providing both material and intellectual food to feed the discussion. For intellectual link watch Summit Program. Peycharmant wine is a great way to have discussions made easier!
Beside the nice context of this meeting, attendees main concerns have been around the notion of alerting in a context where evolution of the telecommunications offers promises of a brave new world. How to deal with this more than ever need of tools for critical alerting in such a context? Also how to renew the use for radio and telco equipments and networks?
The answers have been various and the exchanges between the participants fruitful. 5G may looks tempting for some, with the promises of a "all in one" network able to allow priority for critical messages. But what means priority if the network is shut down by Authorities during a crisis?
On the other hand the Responsible for the region fire brigade demonstrated all the benefits there is in mixing a proven and reliable network for alerting with acknowledgment through public network: efficiency of the professional network, cost saving through the optimization of the management of the number of volunteers allowed by the acknowledgment.
Transformation of the business was one of the leading lines along those three days. For a company such as swiss Operator Swissphone, what saw major evolutions in its businesses, one of the solution is to go to providing of "Alerting as a Service" solution. This vision shows the global evolution of a business where the key was once the hardware. A lot of how this can be done can be demonstrated in France and Germany by e*Message Wireless Information Services Group (in France see Now the vision is to go to a service vision: what the customer needs is a service, not specifically paging. Paging is a way, the best from most participants point of view, to address the need for reliable alerting. But selling the word "paging" is not for all the way anymore to get new customers. Question is about how to get potential customers to know that the professional of alerting represented at this summit that they have the solutions to their problem?
Other main issue: To implement what is much more on the today’s agenda: Multichannel solutions. Chris Jones from PageOne in London spoke about that. They have a lot of experiences with paging and related hybrid solutions (see sad ones in After 7/7 London Bombings). More and additional information here in this Blog: PMRExpo-Vorträge.
Different options have been presented, from having a more attractive internet site to looking for the pain to get the gain. This later track has been for instance demonstrated with the alerting of deaf people, those being forgotten in the alerting systems.
At the end of those three days what can be said is that reliable alerting is more than ever needed and that the main challenge it to get this business to be more visible from potential new customers.
Vincent Delpont
Managing Director e*Message Wireless Information Services France SAS
Heute erster Tag des CMA-Europe-Treffens (Critical Mobile Messaging Association Europe)
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